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Gorilla Grow Tent Tactical Carbon Filter (4x12, 6x24 or 8x24)


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Cannabis grow tent filters

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"The Gorilla Standard of Carbon Filtration
Clean, contaminant-free air is one of the most essential elements of indoor gardening. Gorilla Tactical Carbon Filters use only Ultra-Activated Coconut Carbon for maximum adsorption and peak effectiveness in eliminating pathogens and odors.

The source of carbon is crucial to the effectiveness of your filter. Ultra-Activated Coconut Carbon has a significantly higher density of micro-pores than other forms of activated carbon such as the bituminous coal found in standard odor filters. By utilizing only the best Coconut Carbon, Gorilla Tactical Carbon Filters are 50% more effective at absorbing odors and contaminants than leading alternatives.

Plants need fresh, clean air to thrive, and carbon filters remove pathogens, disease-causing spores, contaminants, dust, and bacteria from the air. Those airborne microscopic agents of destruction are constantly trying to infiltrate your grow. The Gorilla Carbon Filter is your weapon of defense against these forces of evil.

More Effective & Longer Lasting: 80-90% of our coconut carbon structure is made up of micro-pores, giving Gorilla Tactical Carbon Filters up to 50% more carbon surface area to bind and eliminate pollutants than common “pellet” filter alternatives. Optimized Design for Peak Performance: The longer odors and contaminants come in contact with activated carbon (commonly referred to as dwell time), the more effective they are at removing those contaminants from the air. Gorilla Tactical Carbon Filters are designed with thick carbon beds to ensure the highest removal percentage of volatile organic compounds, odors, and contaminants. Cleanest Operation & Amplified Air-Flow: The high carbon hardness coupled with extraordinarily low ash levels allow for clean operation and less loss of air movement due to fine particle damming. 200cfm for 4", 500cfm for 6", and 700cfm for 8".

Great for your growth & for the planet: Made with premium, activated Coconut Shell Carbon. By far the most eco-friendly and sustainable source of carbon, this carbon comes from a renewable crop, not from a mining operation or chemical process. Lightweight, Durable Design: The lightweight and durable aluminum housing and dual onboard mounting points make the Gorilla Tactical Carbon Filter the easiest carbon filter to handle, install, and maintain. Gorilla Swagger: If you drive a luxury ride, you want it to LOOK like a luxury ride. Be the envy of all your friends with the best-looking carbon filter ever made! The life of a filter is determined by the concentration of the contaminant, the relative humidity, and the volume of air being cleaned. Unfortunately, there is no indicator light on the filter that tells you when it is ready to be replaced. Typically 12–18 months is expected of the Gorilla Tactical Carbon Filter, although many have lasted much longer."

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Gorilla Grow Tent Tactical Carbon Filter (4x12, 6x24 or 8x24) - by potads - 02-03-2023, 01:13 PM
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