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How CBD Helps with Depression and Anxiety


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Scientists have worked for years to develop effective treatments to mood disorders such as depression and anxiety. Countless chemically-dense medications have been developed to change the way the mind processes different emotions.

These medications react with the body in various ways. Some interact with serotonin receptors and some with norepinephrine inhibitors, but almost all of them have been shown to cause some kind of negative physical side effect.

Prescription antidepressants have been linked to side effects ranging from insomnia, headaches, chronic pain, nausea, and diarrhea, to more serious ailments such as reduced blood clotting capacity, lower sexual ability and increased risk of suicide.

With the list of side-effects ever growing, many scientists have started to do research into the effectiveness of CBD as natural treatment for mood disorders.
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How CBD Helps with Depression and Anxiety - by victorjohn9211 - 07-01-2019, 11:25 AM
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