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#cannabis smuggled in water melons !


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Drug traffickers and small-time smugglers operate within an extensive network of transport and communication.

Their covert operations are meticulously planned to evade detection by drug enforcement agencies and the police.

Beyond the fear of raids and arrests, delivery agencies and individuals encounter numerous challenges when moving consignments from one place to another.

Due to the high-risk nature of the business, smugglers and their leaders continually devise innovative methods to conceal their products during transportation.

These smuggling techniques are often depicted in documentaries and films, so they don't require detailed explanation.

Recently, a new and startling method used by smugglers to hide and transport drugs has gone viral. This method involves the use of a popular tropical fruit.

A short clip shared on the Reddit page 'Unexpected' shows an officer cutting a watermelon in half to reveal its contents. As the fruit is sliced open, it becomes evident that its juicy insides have been hollowed out to hide something inside.

The watermelon contains a peach-colored plastic bag. When the officer cuts it open, he finds a large quantity of marijuana inside.
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02-01-2025, 10:11 AM

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