06-17-2019, 10:34 AM cannabis grow lights
The Matristar Smart 150W LED grow light is a portable light designed to provide beginner growers with the best balance of reliability, high-quality components and accessibility. The Smart LED light is built on the DIY concept with each major component (LED panel, heatsink, and LED driver) of the unit simple enought to remove for service or customization.
The simple design of this light not only provides more ease of maintenance, but drastically cuts down the weight for easier handling. The Smart LED light is an accessible yet high-performance light to provide growers with a reliable starting point in any grow project. The modularity of the panel attachment means that growers are able to quickly switch out the current diodes for new ones with a different spectrum output.
This fixture is operable in any grow environment (indoor, greenhouse, vertical, and outdoor). This was made possible by the strong aluminum construction of the heat sink as well as designing the light - from panel to driver - as a water-resistant (IP65) unit. The water-resistant capabilities of the Smart grow light not only allows the unit to function while exposed to water, but enables growers to clean the unit without the risk of moisture damage.